Garut Selatan memang menjadi salah satu tempat dengan objek wisata pantai yang luar biasa. Setelah sebelumnyaKita membahas tentang Pantai Santolo Garut, kini ada satu lagi pantai yang dari jaman dahulu sudah dikenal oleh berbagai wisatawan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Pantai ini juga cukup memikat berbagai wisatawan mancanegara karena keindahanya.
Dengan panorama karang - karang laut dan juga ombak yang tidak terlalu besar membuat pantai ini selain aman juga cocok digunakan untuk bersantai menikmati indahnya mentari pagi di pinggir pantai. Pantai ini juga termasuk kedalam Pantai Pameungpeuk yaitu pantai yang terdapat di daerah Pameungpeuk Garut Jawa Barat, itulah Pantai Sayang Heulang Garut.
Menurut beberapa sumber banyak yang mengatakan bahwa Pantai Sayang Heulang Garut ini dulunya sama mempunyai berbagai cerita yang terkait dengan cerita - cerita mistik. Dimana pantai ini juga banyak yang menyebutkan memiliki cerita yang hampir sama dengan pelabuhan ratu. Yah, itulah Cerita Ratu Pantai Selatan atau Nyi Roro Kidul.
Dengan panorama karang - karang laut dan juga ombak yang tidak terlalu besar membuat pantai ini selain aman juga cocok digunakan untuk bersantai menikmati indahnya mentari pagi di pinggir pantai. Pantai ini juga termasuk kedalam Pantai Pameungpeuk yaitu pantai yang terdapat di daerah Pameungpeuk Garut Jawa Barat, itulah Pantai Sayang Heulang Garut.
Menurut beberapa sumber banyak yang mengatakan bahwa Pantai Sayang Heulang Garut ini dulunya sama mempunyai berbagai cerita yang terkait dengan cerita - cerita mistik. Dimana pantai ini juga banyak yang menyebutkan memiliki cerita yang hampir sama dengan pelabuhan ratu. Yah, itulah Cerita Ratu Pantai Selatan atau Nyi Roro Kidul.
Tempat Wisata di Garut Selatan ini merupakan salah satu tempat mampirnya Ratu Pantai Selatan tersebut. Ada sebuah kisah yang menceritakan bahwa dahulu kala terdapat sebuah kisah seorang pemuda yang sedang mencari ikan dilaut melihat ada seekor kuda dan penumpangnya berjalan di atas air dan berpakaian lengkap ala kerajaan. Kejadian tersebut sentak membuat pemuda tersebut geger ketakutan dan kembali pulang dengan menceritakanya kejadian tersebut kepada warga setempat. Maka karena itulah banyak warga di daerah sana yang mengaitkan kejadian tersebut dengan kabar bahwa itu adalah kerajaan ratu pantai selatan. Seiring dengan berjalanya waktu, Pantai ini sekarang semakin ramai dikunjungi oleh berbagai wisatawan baik asing maupun lokal. Tempat ini juga sering digunakan ajang lomba Motor Cross yang banyak di ikuti dari berbagai kota.
Keindahan serta panorama alam dan juga ombak pantai yang cukup bersahabat di Pantai ini membuat pantai ini cukup banyak diminati. Bahkan Setiap harinya jikalau hari - hari besar seperti hari raya lebaran, dan juga hari - hari libur nasional pantai ini selalu penuh dengan pengunjung terutama pengunjung lokal Garut. Selain karena masuk ke pantai ini sangat murah, anda juga disuguhkan dengan spot - spot yang sangat cocok untuk berlibur sama keluarga ataupun kawan.
Karena banyaknya wisatawan yang datang ke pantai ini, banyak para pebisnis yang memmanfaatkan hal tersebut untuk membangun sebuah hotel ataupun penginapan. Hotel - hotel yang terdapat di sekitar pantai ini terdiri dari hotel yang murah dan juga mahal. Salah satu hotel atau penginapan yang saya sarankan adalah Penginapan Karang Laut. Selain harga penginapannya sangat murah dan juga terjangkau, lokasinya juga sangat strategis dekat dengan pantai. Jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir selain bisa beristirahat di kamar, anda juga bisa langsung melihat indahnya pantai dari teras penginapan anda.
Bukit Teletubis Garut
Selain hotel ataupun penginapan ada juga tempat makan atau restoran yang dapat anda jadikan untuk memuaskan lapar anda setelah lelah seharian main di pantai, disana juga terdapat Rumah Makan Cilaut Ereun. Satu lagi yang menjadi daya tarik wisatawan yang datang ke pantai sayang heulang ini yaitu karena adanya Bukit Teletubbies atau warga masyarakat sekitar pantai menyebutnya Bukit Pogor. Untuk melihat lebih jelasnya mengenai Bukit Teletubbies Garut anda dapat melihat postingan Wisata di Garut sebelumnya.
Lokasi Pantai Sayang Heulang
Untuk lokasi Pantai Sayang Heulang Garut terletak di Desa Mancagahar Kecamatan Pameungpeuk Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat, dengan jarang cukup jauh dari pusat kota Garut yaitu sekitar 87 KM atau 2 sampai 3 jam perjalanan dari pusat kota Garut.
Aktivitas Yang Dapat Dilakukan di Pantai Sayang Heulang
Selain di Pantai Santolo, banyak juga aktivitas yang dapat anda lakukan di Pantai Sayang Heulang, diantaranya: Memancing ikan, berjalan - jalan di tepian karang, selfie dengan pemandangan pantai dan juga karang, menerbangkan lampion, dan juga aktivitas lainya. Namun yang saya sarankan jangan berenang di pantai ini karena cukup banyak karang - karang yang tajam yang akan membuat anda terluka. Jika anda ingin berenang saran saya kunjungilah Pantai Santolo karena lokasinya tidak begitu jauh dari Pantai Sayang Heulang.
South Garut has become one of the places with an incredible beach attractions. After the previous We discuss about the beach Santolo Garut, now there is one more beach that from antiquity has been known by various tourists from various regions in Indonesia. This beach is also quite alluring foreign tourists because keindahanya.
With a panorama of coral - sea coral and also the waves are not too big to make this beach in addition to safe is also suitable for relaxing to enjoy the beauty of the morning sun on the beach. This beach is also included into the beach Pameungpeuk beach located in the area of Pameungpeuk Garut West Java, that is Dear Beach Heulang Garut.
According to several sources, many say that Pantai Sayang Garut Heulang used to have the same stories related to mystical stories. Where the beach is also much to mention has almost the same story with the queen port. Well, that's the story of Queen of South Beach or Nyi Roro Kidul.
Places Tour in South Garut is one of the quarters of the South Coast Queen. There is a story that tells of a long time ago there was a story of a young man looking for a fish at sea to see a horse and its passengers walking on the water and dressed in a royal style. The incident was a touch to make the young man frightened and returned home by telling the incident to local residents. So that's why many people in the area there who associate the incident with the news that it is the kingdom of the queen of the south coast. Along with time lapse, this beach is now increasingly visited by various tourists both foreign and local. This place is also often used Motor Cross race event that many follow from various cities.
The beauty as well as the natural panorama and also the beach waves are quite friendly in this beach makes this beach quite a lot of interest. Even Everyday if the big days like Lebaran day, and also the national holidays are always full of visitors, especially local visitors Garut. In addition to entering the beach is very cheap, you are also presented with spots - a spot that is perfect for a vacation with family or friends.
Because of the many tourists who come to this beach, many business people who use it to build a hotel or inn. The hotels located around the beach consist of cheap and expensive hotels. One of the hotels or inns I recommend is the Coral Reef Inn. Besides the price of lodging is very cheap and also affordable, the location is also very strategic close to the beach. So you do not have to worry other than can rest in the room, you also can directly see the beautiful beach from the terrace of your inn.
Hill of Garut Teletubis
In addition to hotels or inns there are also places to eat or a restaurant that you can make to satisfy your hungry after a tired day at the beach, there is also Cilaut Ereun Restaurant. Another one of the attractions of tourists who come to this healing beach is because of the Bukit Teletubbies or people around the beach call it Pogor Hill. To see more details about Bukit Teletubbies Garut you can see Tour postings in Garut before.
Location Pantai Sayang Heulang
For location Sayang Heulang Beach Garut is located in the Village Mancagahar District Pameungpeuk Garut West Java, with rarely quite far from the city center of Garut which is about 87 KM or 2 to 3 hours drive from downtown Garut.
Things to Do in Pantai Sayang Heulang
In addition to the beach Santolo, many activities you can do in Pantai Sayang Heulang, including: Fishing, walking on the edge of the reef, selfie with beach and coral view, fly lanterns, and also other activities. But I do not recommend swimming in this beach because there are enough sharp coral that will make you hurt. If you want to swim my suggestion visit Santolo Beach because its location not so far from Sayang Heulang Beach.
South Garut has become one of the places with an incredible beach attractions. After the previous We discuss about the beach Santolo Garut, now there is one more beach that from antiquity has been known by various tourists from various regions in Indonesia. This beach is also quite alluring foreign tourists because keindahanya.
With a panorama of coral - sea coral and also the waves are not too big to make this beach in addition to safe is also suitable for relaxing to enjoy the beauty of the morning sun on the beach. This beach is also included into the beach Pameungpeuk beach located in the area of Pameungpeuk Garut West Java, that is Dear Beach Heulang Garut.
According to several sources, many say that Pantai Sayang Garut Heulang used to have the same stories related to mystical stories. Where the beach is also much to mention has almost the same story with the queen port. Well, that's the story of Queen of South Beach or Nyi Roro Kidul.
Places Tour in South Garut is one of the quarters of the South Coast Queen. There is a story that tells of a long time ago there was a story of a young man looking for a fish at sea to see a horse and its passengers walking on the water and dressed in a royal style. The incident was a touch to make the young man frightened and returned home by telling the incident to local residents. So that's why many people in the area there who associate the incident with the news that it is the kingdom of the queen of the south coast. Along with time lapse, this beach is now increasingly visited by various tourists both foreign and local. This place is also often used Motor Cross race event that many follow from various cities.
The beauty as well as the natural panorama and also the beach waves are quite friendly in this beach makes this beach quite a lot of interest. Even Everyday if the big days like Lebaran day, and also the national holidays are always full of visitors, especially local visitors Garut. In addition to entering the beach is very cheap, you are also presented with spots - a spot that is perfect for a vacation with family or friends.
Because of the many tourists who come to this beach, many business people who use it to build a hotel or inn. The hotels located around the beach consist of cheap and expensive hotels. One of the hotels or inns I recommend is the Coral Reef Inn. Besides the price of lodging is very cheap and also affordable, the location is also very strategic close to the beach. So you do not have to worry other than can rest in the room, you also can directly see the beautiful beach from the terrace of your inn.
Hill of Garut Teletubis
In addition to hotels or inns there are also places to eat or a restaurant that you can make to satisfy your hungry after a tired day at the beach, there is also Cilaut Ereun Restaurant. Another one of the attractions of tourists who come to this healing beach is because of the Bukit Teletubbies or people around the beach call it Pogor Hill. To see more details about Bukit Teletubbies Garut you can see Tour postings in Garut before.
Location Pantai Sayang Heulang
For location Sayang Heulang Beach Garut is located in the Village Mancagahar District Pameungpeuk Garut West Java, with rarely quite far from the city center of Garut which is about 87 KM or 2 to 3 hours drive from downtown Garut.
Things to Do in Pantai Sayang Heulang
In addition to the beach Santolo, many activities you can do in Pantai Sayang Heulang, including: Fishing, walking on the edge of the reef, selfie with beach and coral view, fly lanterns, and also other activities. But I do not recommend swimming in this beach because there are enough sharp coral that will make you hurt. If you want to swim my suggestion visit Santolo Beach because its location not so far from Sayang Heulang Beach.
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