Pantai Ranca Buaya merupakan salah satu pantai di deretan daftar wisata alam di Jawa Barat. Sebuah pantai yang masih tergolong baru, alami dan belum di kelola maksimal. Jangan heran ketika kita memutuskan untuk Pantai Ranca Buaya, keadaan nya masih sangat sepi.
Jika kalian adalah penyuka fotografi sunset, maka Pantai Ranca Buaya adalah tempat yang tepat untuk menagabadikan fenomena sunset. Di dekat Pantai Ranca Buaya juga terdapat sebuah air terjun dari sebuah tebing yang langsung jatuh ke pantai ranca buaya.
Lokasi Dan Rute Menuju Pantai Ranca Buaya
Surga tersembunyi di jawa barat ini berada di Desa Purbayani, Kecamatan Carigin, Kab. Garut, Jawa Barat. Dengan adanya Pantai Ranca Buaya ini menambah daftar wisata alam Jawa Barat yang wajib di kunjungi.
Rute menuju pantai ranca buaya sendiri tidak terlalu sulit. Jika pengunjung datang dari Kota Bandung. jalur paling singkat adalah melewati daerah Pangalengan. Kebetulan jalur tersebut melewati Situ Cileunca, dan perkebunan teh daerah Cisewu. Lalu kita akan melewati sebuah tanjakan tinggi, dan setelah tanjakan kita akan melihat hamparan pantai yang indah dan luas.
Fasilitas Di Pantai Ranca Buaya
Walau termasuk pantai yang baru saja di kelola oleh pemerintah setempat. Untuk masuk ke wisata alam Pantai Ranca Buaya Harus membayar tiket retribusi sekitar 5.000 per orang. Untuk fasilitas toilet, kamar mandi dan mushola juga sudah disediakan.
Jika para pengunjung menghendaki untuk menikmati Pantai Ranca Buaya beberapa saat, disana sudah tersedia beberapa Penginapan modern dengan tarif yang bervasiasi. Atau bisa camping di pantai ranca buaya dengan seizin pengelola pantai. Di Pantai Ranca Buaya juga terdapat sebuah tempat pelelangan ikan, Ikan laut di pantai ranca buaya di jamin segar dan masih baru dengan harga yang lebih murah.
Untuk memanjakan perut para pengunjung, di Pantai Ranca Buaya ada beberapa warung makan dengan gazebo - gazebo yang mempunyai menu masakan khas Jawa Barat khususnya daerah Garut.
Keindahan Alam Pantai Ranca Buaya
Hal yang unik tetapi indah adalah sebuah air terjun yang terjun langsung dari sebuah tebing ke Pantai Ranca Buaya. Selain air tejun wisatawan juga bisa menikmati beraneka biota laut semacam ikan, bintang laut yang berada di kolam-kolam kecil di Pantai Ranca Buaya ini.
Bagi para penikmat sunset, Pantai Ranca Buaya memiliki sunset yang sangat indah, Dengan arsitektur karang dan air yang begitu tenang di sore hari. Pantai Ranca Buaya sangat pas untuk mengabadikan momen matahari tenggelam atau sunset.
Di dekat Pantai Ranca Buaya juga terdapat sebuah puncak yang fenomenal yang sangat menarik untuk dijadikan spot hunting sunrise yaitu Puncak Guha Garut. lokasinya pun tidak jauh dari pantai ranca buaya.
Sampai saat ini, engelolaan pantai ini di pegang oleh tim Kompepar (Kelompok Penggerak Pariwisata) yang di bentuk oleh warga sekitar Pantai Ranca Buaya. Lahan Pantai Ranca Buaya ini adalah 70% milik warga,dan 30% nya adalah milik kas desa.
Walaupun jalan menuju kepantai ranca buaya sudah cukup mulus sayangnya belum banyak pengunjung yang datang. Mungkin saja Pemerintah Daerah Garut kurang promosi ke berbagai media, padahal Pantai Ranca Buaya dan air terjun nya ini memiliki potensi wisata yang dapat diandalkan.
Ranca Buaya Beach is one of the beaches in the row of natural tourist list in West Java. A beach that is still relatively new, natural and not managed in the maximum. Do not be surprised when we decided to Beach Ranca Crocodile, his condition is still very quiet.
If you are a photography enthusiast sunset, then Beach Ranca Buaya is the right place to menagabadikan sunset phenomenon. Near Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a waterfall from a cliff that directly fell to the beach crocodile ranca.
Locations And Routes To The Beach Ranca Buaya
This hidden paradise in west java is located in Purbayani Village, Carigin District, Kab. Garut, West Java. With the Beach Ranca Crocodile adds to the list of natural attractions of West Java that must be visited.
The route to the beach crocodile ranca itself is not too difficult. If visitors come from the city of Bandung. The shortest path is through Pangalengan area. Incidentally the path passes Situ Cileunca, and tea plantation area Cisewu. Then we will pass a high rise, and after the climb we will see a beautiful stretch of beach and spacious.
Facilities At Ranca Buaya Beach
Although including the beach that has just been managed by the local government. To enter the nature tourism Ranca Buaya Beach Must pay a levy ticket of about 5,000 per person. For toilet facilities, a bathroom and a prayer room are also provided.
If the visitors want to enjoy Ranca Crocodile Beach for a while, there are already some modern inns with varying rates. Or can camp on the beach crocodile ranca with the permission of the beach manager. At Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a place of fish auction, sea fish at crocodile ranca beach fresh and fresh guarantee with a cheaper price.
To pamper the stomach of the visitors, at Ranca Buaya Beach there are several food stalls with gazebo - gazebo which has a menu of typical cuisine of West Java, especially the area of Garut.
Natural Beauty of Ranca Buaya Beach
The unique but beautiful thing is a waterfall that jumps straight from a cliff to Ranca Buaya Beach. In addition to water tejun tourists can also enjoy a variety of marine biota such as fish, starfish located in small ponds on the Beach Ranca Buaya.
For the sunset lovers, Ranca Buaya Beach has a very beautiful sunset, With the architecture of the reef and the water so quiet in the afternoon. Ranca Crocodile Beach is very fitting to capture the moment of sunset or sunset.
Near Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a phenomenal peak that is very interesting to be a spot hunting sunrise Puncak Guha Garut. The location was not far from the beach crocodile ranca.
Until now, the management of this beach is held by the team Kompepar (Group Movers Tourism) which is in the form by residents around the Beach Ranca Buaya. This Ranca Buaya Beach is 70% owned by residents, and 30% is owned by the village treasury.
Although the road to kepantai ranca crocodile is quite smooth unfortunately not many visitors who come. Garut Local Government may be less promotion to various media, whereas Ranca Buaya Beach and its waterfall has a reliable tourism potential.
Ranca Buaya Beach is one of the beaches in the row of natural tourist list in West Java. A beach that is still relatively new, natural and not managed in the maximum. Do not be surprised when we decided to Beach Ranca Crocodile, his condition is still very quiet.
If you are a photography enthusiast sunset, then Beach Ranca Buaya is the right place to menagabadikan sunset phenomenon. Near Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a waterfall from a cliff that directly fell to the beach crocodile ranca.
Locations And Routes To The Beach Ranca Buaya
This hidden paradise in west java is located in Purbayani Village, Carigin District, Kab. Garut, West Java. With the Beach Ranca Crocodile adds to the list of natural attractions of West Java that must be visited.
The route to the beach crocodile ranca itself is not too difficult. If visitors come from the city of Bandung. The shortest path is through Pangalengan area. Incidentally the path passes Situ Cileunca, and tea plantation area Cisewu. Then we will pass a high rise, and after the climb we will see a beautiful stretch of beach and spacious.
Facilities At Ranca Buaya Beach
Although including the beach that has just been managed by the local government. To enter the nature tourism Ranca Buaya Beach Must pay a levy ticket of about 5,000 per person. For toilet facilities, a bathroom and a prayer room are also provided.
If the visitors want to enjoy Ranca Crocodile Beach for a while, there are already some modern inns with varying rates. Or can camp on the beach crocodile ranca with the permission of the beach manager. At Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a place of fish auction, sea fish at crocodile ranca beach fresh and fresh guarantee with a cheaper price.
To pamper the stomach of the visitors, at Ranca Buaya Beach there are several food stalls with gazebo - gazebo which has a menu of typical cuisine of West Java, especially the area of Garut.
Natural Beauty of Ranca Buaya Beach
The unique but beautiful thing is a waterfall that jumps straight from a cliff to Ranca Buaya Beach. In addition to water tejun tourists can also enjoy a variety of marine biota such as fish, starfish located in small ponds on the Beach Ranca Buaya.
For the sunset lovers, Ranca Buaya Beach has a very beautiful sunset, With the architecture of the reef and the water so quiet in the afternoon. Ranca Crocodile Beach is very fitting to capture the moment of sunset or sunset.
Near Ranca Buaya Beach there is also a phenomenal peak that is very interesting to be a spot hunting sunrise Puncak Guha Garut. The location was not far from the beach crocodile ranca.
Until now, the management of this beach is held by the team Kompepar (Group Movers Tourism) which is in the form by residents around the Beach Ranca Buaya. This Ranca Buaya Beach is 70% owned by residents, and 30% is owned by the village treasury.
Although the road to kepantai ranca crocodile is quite smooth unfortunately not many visitors who come. Garut Local Government may be less promotion to various media, whereas Ranca Buaya Beach and its waterfall has a reliable tourism potential.
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