Curug Sanghyang Taraje adalah tempat wisata alam di kabupaten Garut berupa air terjun. Air terjun ini masih sangat alami dan mempunyai pesona yang menakjubkan. Untuk sampai ke lokasi anda membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam dari kota Garut. Jika kamu melewati kota Garut atau ingin berlibur di kota Garut, maka wajib memasukkan Curug sanghyang taraje kedalam daftar tempat yang akan kamu kunjungi.
Dimulai dari kata curug (dalam bahasa sunda) yang artinya air terjun. Sedangkan Sanghyang digunakan sebagai sebutan kehormatan bagi para dewa/raja pada zaman kerajaan Hindu/Budha. Dan kata Taraje itu sendiri yang berarti tangga. Kalau gabungkan bisa diartikan curug tersebut merupakan tangga bagi para dewa/raja untuk menuju ke suatu tempat (yang tidak diketahui manusia biasa). Cukup disini kita tidak akan membahas panjang lebar tentang legenda curug tersebut.
Dimulai dari kata curug (dalam bahasa sunda) yang artinya air terjun. Sedangkan Sanghyang digunakan sebagai sebutan kehormatan bagi para dewa/raja pada zaman kerajaan Hindu/Budha. Dan kata Taraje itu sendiri yang berarti tangga. Kalau gabungkan bisa diartikan curug tersebut merupakan tangga bagi para dewa/raja untuk menuju ke suatu tempat (yang tidak diketahui manusia biasa). Cukup disini kita tidak akan membahas panjang lebar tentang legenda curug tersebut.
Tepatnya terletak di Desa Cibuluh, Cikajang, Jatiwangi, Pakenjeng, Jatiwangi, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Berjarak kurang lebih 45 KM dari kota Garut dan memakan waktu tempuh 2 jam perjalanan. Lamanya waktu tempuh di karenakan jalan yang kurang bagus, bagi yang baru pertama kali ke curug ini tentunya Maps wajib anda gunakan.
Pagi pengguna kendara pribadi kamu bisa mengambil rute dari Kota Garut - Bayongbong - Cisurupan - Sampai ke Papangungan ambil arah Bungbulang hingga Kecamatan Pamulihan. Tapi bagi yang ingin menggunakan kendaraan umum bisa naik Elf jurusan Garut - Bungbulang atau Bandung - Bungbulang berhendi di Pamulihan dan selanjutnya naik ojek atau bisa jalan kaki sampai subuh.
Air terjun ini bisa dibilang masih alami belum ada pembangunan pendukung yang mengganggu. Tapi sayangnya keindahan alami ini teracuni oleh pengunjung yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Lumayan banyak coretan pada batu-batu besar di sekitar air terjun dan juga sampah sisa air mineral serta plastik pembungkus makanan.
Curug ini tingginya sekitar 100 meter. Di balik ketinggian air terjun yang berkabut ini, tersimpan kisah-kisah misterius. Konon, curug ini merupakan tangga yang digunakan oleh dewa-dewa menuju kayangan. Selain itu, curug ini juga digunakan oleh Sangkuriang saat mengambil bintang untuk Dayang Sumbi. Legenda setempat juga menyebutkan bahwa di dekat curug ada batu berbentuk tapak yang dipercaya sebagai tapak Sangkuriang.
Karena legenda itu, curug ini diberi nama Curug Sang Hyang Taraje. Jika dilihat dari jauh, curug ini memang terlihat seperti taraje - tangga yang terbuat dari batang bambu. Rute Perjalanan Objek wisata ini letaknya 47 kilometer dari Kota Garut. Untuk mencapainya, kita bisa mengambil jalan ke arah Cikajang. Lalu, ambil jalur kanan di pertigaan sebelum Kota Cikajang. Di jalur ini, kita akan melewati objek wisata Curug Orok dan bertemu dengan pertigaan yang ada di Desa Cisandaan.
Dari pertigaan itu, kita ambil arah kanan, ya! Nantinya, kita akan menemukan Desa Pakenjeng. Nah, lokasi Curug Sang Hyang Taraje tak jauh dari desa itu. O ya, keadaan jalan dari Garut hingga Desa Cisandaan cukup bagus. Akan tetapi, dari Desa Cisandaan hingga lokasi jalannya cukup jelek. Tetapi, perjalanan melewati jalanan jelek itu akan terbayar setelah kamu melihat keindahan Curug Sang Hyang Taraje secara langsung.
Curug Sanghyang Taraje is a natural tourist attraction in Garut district in the form of a waterfall. This waterfall is still very natural and has a stunning charm. To get to your location takes about 2 hours from the city of Garut. If you pass the city of Garut or want to vacation in the city of Garut, then must enter Curug sanghyang taraje into the list of places you will visit.
Starting from the word curug (in Sundanese) which means waterfall. While Sanghyang used as a title of honor for the gods / kings in the days of the Hindu / Buddhist kingdom. And the word Taraje itself means a ladder. If combined can be interpreted as a staircase is a ladder for the gods / kings to go to a place (which is not known to ordinary people). Enough here we will not discuss at length about the legend of the waterfall.
Precisely located in the Village Cibuluh, Cikajang, Jatiwangi, Pakenjeng, Jatiwangi, Garut regency, West Java, Indonesia. Located approximately 45 KM from the city of Garut and takes travel 2 hours journey. The length of travel time in because of the less good road, for the first time to curug this course you must use the Maps.
Morning private vehicle users you can take the route from the City of Garut - Bayongbong - Cisurupan - Up to Papangungan take the direction Bungbulang to District Pamulihan. But for those who want to use public transport can ride Elf majoring Garut - Bungbulang or Bandung - Bungbulang berhendi in Pamulihan and then ride a motorcycle taxi or can walk until dawn.
This waterfall is practically natural yet there is no disturbing support development. But unfortunately this natural beauty is poisoned by irresponsible visitors. Quite a lot of graffiti on the big rocks around the waterfall and also trash the remaining mineral water and plastic food wrappers.
This waterfall is about 100 meters high. Behind the height of this misty waterfall, stored mysterious stories. That said, this waterfall is a ladder used by the gods to heaven. In addition, this waterfall is also used by Sangkuriang when taking a star for Dayang Sumbi. Local legend also mentions that near the waterfall there is a tread-shaped stone that is believed to be the footprint of Sangkuriang.
Because of that legend, this waterfall is named Curug Sang Hyang Taraje. When viewed from a distance, this curug does look like taraje - stairs made of bamboo stems. Route Travel This tourist attraction is located 47 kilometers from the city of Garut. To reach it, we can take the road towards Cikajang. Then, take the right lane at the fork before Kota Cikajang. In this path, we will pass the Orok Curug tourist object and meet with the T-junction in Cisandaan Village.
From the fork, we take the right direction, yes! Later, we will find Desa Pakenjeng. Well, the location of Waterfall Sang Hyang Taraje not far from the village. Oh yes, the state of the road from Garut to Cisandaan Village is pretty good. However, from the village of Cisandaan to the location of the road is quite ugly. However, the journey through the ugly street will be paid after you see the beauty of Sang Hyang Taraje Waterfall directly.
Curug Sanghyang Taraje is a natural tourist attraction in Garut district in the form of a waterfall. This waterfall is still very natural and has a stunning charm. To get to your location takes about 2 hours from the city of Garut. If you pass the city of Garut or want to vacation in the city of Garut, then must enter Curug sanghyang taraje into the list of places you will visit.
Starting from the word curug (in Sundanese) which means waterfall. While Sanghyang used as a title of honor for the gods / kings in the days of the Hindu / Buddhist kingdom. And the word Taraje itself means a ladder. If combined can be interpreted as a staircase is a ladder for the gods / kings to go to a place (which is not known to ordinary people). Enough here we will not discuss at length about the legend of the waterfall.
Precisely located in the Village Cibuluh, Cikajang, Jatiwangi, Pakenjeng, Jatiwangi, Garut regency, West Java, Indonesia. Located approximately 45 KM from the city of Garut and takes travel 2 hours journey. The length of travel time in because of the less good road, for the first time to curug this course you must use the Maps.
Morning private vehicle users you can take the route from the City of Garut - Bayongbong - Cisurupan - Up to Papangungan take the direction Bungbulang to District Pamulihan. But for those who want to use public transport can ride Elf majoring Garut - Bungbulang or Bandung - Bungbulang berhendi in Pamulihan and then ride a motorcycle taxi or can walk until dawn.
This waterfall is practically natural yet there is no disturbing support development. But unfortunately this natural beauty is poisoned by irresponsible visitors. Quite a lot of graffiti on the big rocks around the waterfall and also trash the remaining mineral water and plastic food wrappers.
This waterfall is about 100 meters high. Behind the height of this misty waterfall, stored mysterious stories. That said, this waterfall is a ladder used by the gods to heaven. In addition, this waterfall is also used by Sangkuriang when taking a star for Dayang Sumbi. Local legend also mentions that near the waterfall there is a tread-shaped stone that is believed to be the footprint of Sangkuriang.
Because of that legend, this waterfall is named Curug Sang Hyang Taraje. When viewed from a distance, this curug does look like taraje - stairs made of bamboo stems. Route Travel This tourist attraction is located 47 kilometers from the city of Garut. To reach it, we can take the road towards Cikajang. Then, take the right lane at the fork before Kota Cikajang. In this path, we will pass the Orok Curug tourist object and meet with the T-junction in Cisandaan Village.
From the fork, we take the right direction, yes! Later, we will find Desa Pakenjeng. Well, the location of Waterfall Sang Hyang Taraje not far from the village. Oh yes, the state of the road from Garut to Cisandaan Village is pretty good. However, from the village of Cisandaan to the location of the road is quite ugly. However, the journey through the ugly street will be paid after you see the beauty of Sang Hyang Taraje Waterfall directly.
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