Curug Citambur Cianjur adalah salah satu wisata alam di daerah Jawa Barat yang hingga kini masih terjaga kealamiannya. Tak kalah dari kepopuleran Curug Cikondang, tempat ini juga sangat cocok jika Anda sedang mencari sebuah tempat untuk menikmati indahnya pemandangan alam dengan sedikit suasana petualangan.
Spot yang satu ini memang patut untuk di coba. Keadaan alamnya yang selalu di selimuti kabut tipis dengan udara yang super dingin di pagi hari di jamin akan memberikan sensasi jalan-jalan yang anti mainstream di Cianjur. Kondisinya yang masih bisa di katakana “pure” dan masih belum banyak terjamah membuat tempat ini sering di sebut sebagai salah satu surga tersembunyi di Cianjur.
Ketinggiannya memang tidak seperti Curug Ngebul dengan tebing yang sangat curam, namun pemandangan di sini jauh lebih hijau dan sejuk. Lihat saja salah satu foto pemandangan Air Terjun Citambur di pagi hari yang sangat eksotis berikut ini.
Lokasi Curug Citambur Cianjur
Spot yang satu ini memang patut untuk di coba. Keadaan alamnya yang selalu di selimuti kabut tipis dengan udara yang super dingin di pagi hari di jamin akan memberikan sensasi jalan-jalan yang anti mainstream di Cianjur. Kondisinya yang masih bisa di katakana “pure” dan masih belum banyak terjamah membuat tempat ini sering di sebut sebagai salah satu surga tersembunyi di Cianjur.
Ketinggiannya memang tidak seperti Curug Ngebul dengan tebing yang sangat curam, namun pemandangan di sini jauh lebih hijau dan sejuk. Lihat saja salah satu foto pemandangan Air Terjun Citambur di pagi hari yang sangat eksotis berikut ini.
Lokasi Curug Citambur Cianjur
Lokasinya terletak di Desa Karang Jaya yang ada di Kecamatan Pasir Kuda, Kabupaten Cianjur bagian selatan, Propinsi Jawa Barat. Lokasinya tidak jauh dari Situs Gunung Padang. Dari Ciwidey Bandung, air terjun ini berada di bagian selatan berjarak sekitar 40 km jika di tempuh dengan perjalanan darat.
Cara Menuju Air Terjun Citambur Cianjur
Cara Menuju Air Terjun Citambur Cianjur
Jika Anda berminat untuk mengunjungi curug ini, berikut ini beberapa rute menuju Curug Citambur yang bisa Anda tempuh. Jika berangkat dari Kota Bandung, Anda harus berkendara menuju ke arah Ciwidey. Teruskan perjalanan melewati daerah Leuwi Panjang kemudian Kopo Sayati - Katapang - Pasir Jambu - Ciwidey dan terakhir Anda akan sampai di Rancabali.
Setelah menemukan kantor Kecamatan Rancabali yang berada tidak jauh dari Situ Patengan, Anda akan menemukan jalan masuk di sisi kanan yang menuju ke Perkebunan Teh Sinumbra. Masuk ke dalam jalan tersebut dan lanjurkan perjalanan hingga menemukan Desa Cipelah. Terus berkendara menuju ke arah Desa Karang Jaya hingga Anda menemukan kantor desanya.
Tepat di seberang kantor Desa Karang Jaya tersebut ada pintu masuk yang menuju ke Curug Citambur. Dari pintu masuk ini Anda masih harus menempuh perjalanan beberapa ratus meter lagi. Kurang lebih nya sekitar 200 meter. Jalan masuk masih bisa di tempuh dengan sepeda motor, hanya saja kondisinya tidak terlalu bagus. Anda harus ekstra hati-hati terlebih lagi jika jalan sedang becek. Setelah menemukan lahan parkir, Anda bisa meletakkan kendaraan di sana. Dan perjalanan menuju ke lokasi air terjun masih harus di tempuh dengan berjalan kaki.
Harga Tiket Masuk Curug Citambur Cianjur
Untuk bisa masuk dan menikmati semua suguhan yang di tawarkan oleh curug ini Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk membayar tiket. Harga tiket masuk ke Curug Citambur hanya Rp. 3000/orang. Jika Anda menggunakan sepeda motor maka untuk biaya parkir di kenakan Rp. 2000/motor dan mobil Rp. 5000/mobil
Meskipun lokasinya yang terbilang cukup tersembunyi, namun dalam hal fasilitas curug ini bisa di katakan memiliki fasilitas yang lumayan lengkap. Beberapa fasilitas yang bisa Anda gunakan: Mushola, Toilet, Area Parkir, dan Kedai Makanan
Curug Citambur Cianjur ini memiliki debit aliran air yang sangat deras, ketinggiannya juga mencapai 100-120 meter sehingga Anda sebaiknya jangan coba-coba untuk mandi di bawahnya. Karena pasti akan terasa sakit sekali ketika terkena hempasan air yang sangat deras.
Gunakan alas kaki yang nyaman. Sebaiknya gunakan sepatu, jangan pakai sandal apalagi bertelanjang kaki atau ceker ayam. Kondisi jalan di sekitar curug ini cukup licin, jadi Anda mesti berhati-hati
Bawalah pakaian ganti lengkap hingga ke dalaman-dalamannya. Karena pasti Anda akan basah-basahan di sini. Minimal basah terkena uap air yang selalu banyak memenuhi sekitar curug.
Waktu yang bagus untuk datang ke curug ini adalah di pagi hari. Jika Anda datang pada sore hari, usahakan untuk keluar dari lokasi sebelum matahari terbenam. Perkirakan waktu sebisa mungkin agar bisa keluar dari daerah Rancabali sebelum malam karena beberapa jalan masih belum memiliki penerangan.
Curug Citambur Cianjur is one of nature tourism in West Java area which until now still awake kealamiannya. No less than the popularity Curug Cikondang, this place is also very suitable if you are looking for a place to enjoy the beautiful scenery with a little adventure atmosphere.
Spot this one is worth to try. Natural circumstances are always in blanket thin mist with super cold air in the morning on the guarantee will provide the sensation of anti-mainstream walk in Cianjur. Conditions that can still be in katakana "pure" and still not much touchable make this place is often referred to as one of the hidden paradise in Cianjur.
The height is not like Curug Ngebul with a very steep cliff, but the scenery here is much greener and cooler. Just take a look at one of the pictures of the Citambur Waterfall in this very exotic morning.
Location Curug Citambur Cianjur
The location is located in the village of Karang Jaya in the District of Pasir Kuda, Cianjur regency in the south, West Java Province. The location is not far from Gunung Padang Site. From Ciwidey Bandung, this waterfall is located in the southern part about 40 km if in travel by road.
How to Go to Citambur Waterfall Cianjur
If you are interested to visit this curug, here are some routes to Curug Citambur that you can take. If departing from the city of Bandung, you have to drive towards Ciwidey. Continue traveling through Leuwi Panjang then Kopo Sayati - Katapang - Pasir Jambu - Ciwidey and finally you will arrive at Rancabali.
After finding the Rancabali District office located not far from Situ Patengan, you will find the entrance on the right side leading to the Sinumbra Tea Plantation. Go inside the road and travel until you find Cipelah Village. Continue to drive towards Karang Jaya Village until you find the office of his village.
Right across from Karang Jaya Village office there is an entrance leading to Curug Citambur. From this entrance you still have to travel a few hundred meters away. Approximately approximately 200 meters. Entrance road can still be taken by motorcycle, it's just not too good condition. You must be extra careful especially if the road is muddy. After finding the parking lot, you can put the vehicle there. And the journey to the location of the waterfall still must be traveled by foot.
Entrance Ticket Price Curug Citambur Cianjur
To get in and enjoy all the treats on offer by this curug you do not need to spend a lot of money to pay for tickets. Entrance fee to Curug Citambur only Rp. 3000 / person. If you use a motorcycle then for parking fees in wearing Rp. 2000 / motorcycle and car Rp. 5000 / car
Although the location is fairly hidden, but in terms of facilities this curug can be said to have a fairly complete facilities. Some facilities you can use: Mushola, Toilet, Parking Area, and Food Store
Curug Citambur Cianjur has a very heavy flow of water flow, its height also reaches 100-120 meters so you should not try to take a bath under it. Because it would be very painful when exposed to a very heavy water hempasan.
Use comfortable footwear. Should use shoes, do not wear sandals let alone barefoot or chicken claws. The road conditions around this waterfall is quite slippery, so you should be careful
Bring complete change of clothing to its depths. Because surely you will be wet-basahan here. Minimal wet water vapor that is always a lot of meet around the waterfall.
A good time to come to this waterfall is in the morning. If you come in the afternoon, try to get out of the location before sunset. Estimate time as much as possible in order to get out of Rancabali area before night because some roads still have no illumination.
Curug Citambur Cianjur is one of nature tourism in West Java area which until now still awake kealamiannya. No less than the popularity Curug Cikondang, this place is also very suitable if you are looking for a place to enjoy the beautiful scenery with a little adventure atmosphere.
Spot this one is worth to try. Natural circumstances are always in blanket thin mist with super cold air in the morning on the guarantee will provide the sensation of anti-mainstream walk in Cianjur. Conditions that can still be in katakana "pure" and still not much touchable make this place is often referred to as one of the hidden paradise in Cianjur.
The height is not like Curug Ngebul with a very steep cliff, but the scenery here is much greener and cooler. Just take a look at one of the pictures of the Citambur Waterfall in this very exotic morning.
Location Curug Citambur Cianjur
The location is located in the village of Karang Jaya in the District of Pasir Kuda, Cianjur regency in the south, West Java Province. The location is not far from Gunung Padang Site. From Ciwidey Bandung, this waterfall is located in the southern part about 40 km if in travel by road.
How to Go to Citambur Waterfall Cianjur
If you are interested to visit this curug, here are some routes to Curug Citambur that you can take. If departing from the city of Bandung, you have to drive towards Ciwidey. Continue traveling through Leuwi Panjang then Kopo Sayati - Katapang - Pasir Jambu - Ciwidey and finally you will arrive at Rancabali.
After finding the Rancabali District office located not far from Situ Patengan, you will find the entrance on the right side leading to the Sinumbra Tea Plantation. Go inside the road and travel until you find Cipelah Village. Continue to drive towards Karang Jaya Village until you find the office of his village.
Right across from Karang Jaya Village office there is an entrance leading to Curug Citambur. From this entrance you still have to travel a few hundred meters away. Approximately approximately 200 meters. Entrance road can still be taken by motorcycle, it's just not too good condition. You must be extra careful especially if the road is muddy. After finding the parking lot, you can put the vehicle there. And the journey to the location of the waterfall still must be traveled by foot.
Entrance Ticket Price Curug Citambur Cianjur
To get in and enjoy all the treats on offer by this curug you do not need to spend a lot of money to pay for tickets. Entrance fee to Curug Citambur only Rp. 3000 / person. If you use a motorcycle then for parking fees in wearing Rp. 2000 / motorcycle and car Rp. 5000 / car
Although the location is fairly hidden, but in terms of facilities this curug can be said to have a fairly complete facilities. Some facilities you can use: Mushola, Toilet, Parking Area, and Food Store
Curug Citambur Cianjur has a very heavy flow of water flow, its height also reaches 100-120 meters so you should not try to take a bath under it. Because it would be very painful when exposed to a very heavy water hempasan.
Use comfortable footwear. Should use shoes, do not wear sandals let alone barefoot or chicken claws. The road conditions around this waterfall is quite slippery, so you should be careful
Bring complete change of clothing to its depths. Because surely you will be wet-basahan here. Minimal wet water vapor that is always a lot of meet around the waterfall.
A good time to come to this waterfall is in the morning. If you come in the afternoon, try to get out of the location before sunset. Estimate time as much as possible in order to get out of Rancabali area before night because some roads still have no illumination.
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