Dua aliran air deras yang terjun ke bawah itu dikelilingi dinding batu yang berdiri tegap. Menimpa bebatuan besar yang ada di bawahnya dan menyebarkan percikan air untuk apapun yang ada di sekelilingnya. Lanskap itu yang membuat Curug Ciparay mempesona. Tak sampai di situ, suara burung yang bernyanyi di sekitar hutan pun buat kita sulit untuk beranjak.
Curug yang terletak di kaki Gunung Karacak dan Gunung Dinding Ari, Desa Cidugaleun, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya ini masih terbilang perawan. Karenanya, belum terlalu banyak orang yang berkunjung. Di tempat ini kita bisa menikmati pesona dan gemuruh air terjun yang di tengah rimbunnya hutan.
Curug yang terletak di kaki Gunung Karacak dan Gunung Dinding Ari, Desa Cidugaleun, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya ini masih terbilang perawan. Karenanya, belum terlalu banyak orang yang berkunjung. Di tempat ini kita bisa menikmati pesona dan gemuruh air terjun yang di tengah rimbunnya hutan.
Debit air yang cukup besar dan kolam penampungan airnya yang hanya setinggi lutut orang dewasa bisa digunakan untuk mandi atau berendam. Atau bisa juga hanya sekedar memotret lanskap si curug kembar.
Berada di wilayah BKPH Singaparna dan KPH Tasikmalaya, curug setinggi 75 meter dan 55 meter ini bisa ditempuh dari Garut dengan jarak 40 kilometer atau sejauh 30 kilometer dari Tasikmalaya menuju Singaparna. Tenang saja, medan perjalanan tidak terlalu sulit untuk ditempuh oleh kendaraan bermotor. Ya, mungkin hanya sedikit bagian yang membutuhkan effort lebih untuk mencapainya.
Berada di wilayah BKPH Singaparna dan KPH Tasikmalaya, curug setinggi 75 meter dan 55 meter ini bisa ditempuh dari Garut dengan jarak 40 kilometer atau sejauh 30 kilometer dari Tasikmalaya menuju Singaparna. Tenang saja, medan perjalanan tidak terlalu sulit untuk ditempuh oleh kendaraan bermotor. Ya, mungkin hanya sedikit bagian yang membutuhkan effort lebih untuk mencapainya.
Tak perlu khawatir bagi Anda yang tidak berkendaraan pribagi. Pasalnya, tersedia angkutan umum pedesaan yang bisa mengantar Anda hingga Cidugaleun. Selanjutnya, jalan bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki atau menggunakan ojek untuk menuju gerbang utama Curug Ciparay.
Tapi jangan senang dulu. Perjalanan masih terus berlanjut! Dibutuhkan perjalanan sejarak 2 kilometer untuk menuju lokasi curug melalui jalan setapak. Jalanan yang terjal dengan kompleks bebatuan menurun akan menemani perjalanan Anda. Kemudian, voila, di depan mata akan nampak si curug kembar yang melambai-lambaikan tangannya mengajak Anda bermain bersamanya.
Sumber: http://ayotasik.com/read/20170223/122/146/menikmati-keindahan-si-kembar-curug-ciparay
Air terjun ini dikenal dengan sebutan Curug Ciparay, Curug Dua Ciparay, atau Curug Kembar Ciparay. Memang, di sini ada dua aliran air terjun yang bersebelahan. Curug dengan sajian yang eksotis dan debit air yang lumayan besar banyak menarik para wisatawan lokal dari Tasikmalaya sendiri maupun pelancong dari luar. Akses ke curug ini bisa ditempuh sekitar dua jam dari pusat Kota Tasikmalaya. Air terjun ini memiliki ketinggian sekitar 80 meter.
Lokasi curug ini tepatnya berada di Dusun Parentas, Desa Cidugaleun, Kecamatan Cigalontang, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, terletak di kaki Gunung Karacak dan Gunung Dinding Ari. Di tempat ini, pengunjung bisa menikmati pesona alam luar biasa dengan sajian suara gemuruh air terjun di tengah hijaunya hutan. Bagi yang ingin memotret keindahan di pegunungan sambil menikmati pesona air terjun ada spot khusus yang terbuat dari bambu.
Curug yang ketinggian sekitar 75 m dan 55 m ini berada di wilayah BKPH Singaparna dan KPH Tasikmalaya. Sementara aliran air terjun yang pertama memiliki debit air yang sangat besar dan curug kedua debit airnya terbilang kecil. Di curug pertama, para pengunjung bisa menikmati sensasi melihat jatuhan air terjun yang deras. Sementara di bawah jatuhan air terjun yang kedua terdapat karena kolam penampungan khusus untuk berenang pengunjung. Untuk menuju aliran kedua, pengunjung harus menyeberangi sungai yang agak dalam.
Rute ke Curug Dusun Parentas, Desa Cidugaleun, Kecamatan Cigalontang
Untuk akses ke tempat ini jalannya terbilang sempit dan agak menantang. Lokasinya sendiri kurang lebih 30 km dari pusat kota Tasikmalaya. Untuk menuju tempat wanawisata ini dapat diakses dari Singaparna menuju ke arah Sariwangi lanjut ke Desa Cidugaleun. Jarak lokasi curug dari Singaparna sekitar 25 dan 6 km dari Kecamatan Sariwangi.
Sementara kondisi jalan dari Sariwangi dan Singaparna terbilang bagus dengan jalan yang beraspal. Namun, beberapa untuk akses ke arah curug jalannya terbilang menantang dengan tanjakan dan kondisi jalan yang kurang mulus. Peta lokasi Curug Ciparay lihat di sini. Bagi Anda yang senang touring motor atau ngagowes dengan sepeda, bisa menjajal menyambangi tempat wisata air terjun nan eksotis di Tasikmalaya ini.
Bila Anda ingin ke tempat wisata alam ini bisa dari dari bundaran Singaparna - ke arah utara ke Gunung Galunggung menuju Dusun Parentas, Desa Cidugaleun, Kecamatan Cigalontang. Untuk angkutan umum naik angdes warna kuning sampai daerah Cidugaleun (sekitar 8,7 km dari Kampung Parentas).
Dari pemberhentian terakhir angkutan perdesaan, dilanjutkan dengan berjalan kaki atau naik ojek. Disarankan untuk naik ojek saja biar tidak terlalu menguras tenaga Anda. Selanjutnya, pengunjung berjalan kaki sekitar 2 km melewati jalan setapak menuju Curug Ciparay.
Sumber: http://www.wisatajabar.com/2016/12/pesona-air-terjun-kembar-di-curug.html
Two streams of water that plunged down was surrounded by a stone wall that stood firm. Overwrite the big rocks beneath it and spread the splashing water for whatever is around him. The landscape makes Ciparay Waterfall breathtaking. Not until there, the sound of birds singing around the forest was too difficult for us to move.
Curug located at the foot of Mount Karacak and Mount Dinding Ari, Cidugaleun Village, Tasikmalaya Regency is still fairly virgin. Therefore, not too many people who visit. In this place we can enjoy the charm and rumbling waterfalls in the thick of forest.
The water debit is large enough and the water reservoirs are only knee-deep adults can be used for bathing or bathing. Or it could just just photograph the twin curug landscape.
Located in the area BKPH Singaparna and KPH Tasikmalaya, curug as high as 75 meters and 55 meters can be traveled from Garut with a distance of 40 kilometers or as far as 30 kilometers from Tasikmalaya to Singaparna. Relax, the terrain is not too difficult to travel by motor vehicle. Yes, maybe only a few parts that require more effort to achieve it.
No need to worry for you who do not drive personality. The reason, available rural public transport that can take you up to Cidugaleun. Furthermore, the road can be reached by foot or use motorcycle taxi to get to the main gate Curug Ciparay.
But do not be happy. The journey is still continuing! It takes a journey of 2 kilometers to the location of the waterfall through the path. A steep streets with declining rock complexes will accompany your journey. Then, voila, in front of the eyes will appear the twin curug who waved his hand invites you to play with him.
This waterfall is known as Curug Ciparay, Curug Dua Ciparay, or Curug Kembar Ciparay. Indeed, here are two streams of waterfalls adjacent. Curug with an exotic dish and a fairly large water discharge attracts many local tourists from Tasikmalaya itself as well as foreign travelers. Access to this curug can be reached about two hours from downtown Tasikmalaya. This waterfall has a height of about 80 meters.
Curug location is precisely located in Parentas Village, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang, Tasikmalaya Regency, located at the foot of Mount Karacak and Mount Dinding Ari. In this place, visitors can enjoy the extraordinary natural charm with a dish of thunderous sounds waterfall in the middle of the forest green. For those who want to photograph the beauty in the mountains while enjoying the charm of the waterfall there is a special spot made of bamboo.
Curug which height of about 75 m and 55 m is located in the area BKPH Singaparna and KPH Tasikmalaya. While the flow of the first waterfall has a very large water debit and waterfall both debits are small. At the first curug, the visitors can enjoy the thrill of seeing the waterfall fall. While under the fall of the second waterfall is there because the pool is a special shelter for swimming visitors. To get to the second stream, visitors have to cross a rather deep river.
Route to Curug Dusun Parentas, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang
For access to this place the path is fairly narrow and somewhat challenging. The location itself is approximately 30 km from downtown Tasikmalaya. To get to this wanawisata place can be accessed from Singaparna to the direction Sariwangi go to the Village Cidugaleun. Curug location distance from Singaparna about 25 and 6 km from District Sariwangi.
While the road conditions from Sariwangi and Singaparna fairly good with a paved road. However, some for access to the curug road fairly challenging with inclines and road conditions are less smooth. Ciparay Curug location map see here. For those of you who like touring motorcycle or ngagowes by bicycle, can try visiting the exotic waterfalls in this Tasikmalaya.
If you want to the natural attractions can be from the roundabout Singaparna - to the north to Mount Galunggung to Parentas Hamlet, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang. For public transportation ride yellow angdes up to Cidugaleun area (about 8.7 km from Kampung Parentas).
From the last stop rural transportation, followed by a walk or ride a motorcycle taxi. It is advisable to ride a motorcycle taxi just let me not too drain your energy. Next, visitors walk about 2 km through the path to Curug Ciparay.
Two streams of water that plunged down was surrounded by a stone wall that stood firm. Overwrite the big rocks beneath it and spread the splashing water for whatever is around him. The landscape makes Ciparay Waterfall breathtaking. Not until there, the sound of birds singing around the forest was too difficult for us to move.
Curug located at the foot of Mount Karacak and Mount Dinding Ari, Cidugaleun Village, Tasikmalaya Regency is still fairly virgin. Therefore, not too many people who visit. In this place we can enjoy the charm and rumbling waterfalls in the thick of forest.
The water debit is large enough and the water reservoirs are only knee-deep adults can be used for bathing or bathing. Or it could just just photograph the twin curug landscape.
Located in the area BKPH Singaparna and KPH Tasikmalaya, curug as high as 75 meters and 55 meters can be traveled from Garut with a distance of 40 kilometers or as far as 30 kilometers from Tasikmalaya to Singaparna. Relax, the terrain is not too difficult to travel by motor vehicle. Yes, maybe only a few parts that require more effort to achieve it.
No need to worry for you who do not drive personality. The reason, available rural public transport that can take you up to Cidugaleun. Furthermore, the road can be reached by foot or use motorcycle taxi to get to the main gate Curug Ciparay.
But do not be happy. The journey is still continuing! It takes a journey of 2 kilometers to the location of the waterfall through the path. A steep streets with declining rock complexes will accompany your journey. Then, voila, in front of the eyes will appear the twin curug who waved his hand invites you to play with him.
This waterfall is known as Curug Ciparay, Curug Dua Ciparay, or Curug Kembar Ciparay. Indeed, here are two streams of waterfalls adjacent. Curug with an exotic dish and a fairly large water discharge attracts many local tourists from Tasikmalaya itself as well as foreign travelers. Access to this curug can be reached about two hours from downtown Tasikmalaya. This waterfall has a height of about 80 meters.
Curug location is precisely located in Parentas Village, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang, Tasikmalaya Regency, located at the foot of Mount Karacak and Mount Dinding Ari. In this place, visitors can enjoy the extraordinary natural charm with a dish of thunderous sounds waterfall in the middle of the forest green. For those who want to photograph the beauty in the mountains while enjoying the charm of the waterfall there is a special spot made of bamboo.
Curug which height of about 75 m and 55 m is located in the area BKPH Singaparna and KPH Tasikmalaya. While the flow of the first waterfall has a very large water debit and waterfall both debits are small. At the first curug, the visitors can enjoy the thrill of seeing the waterfall fall. While under the fall of the second waterfall is there because the pool is a special shelter for swimming visitors. To get to the second stream, visitors have to cross a rather deep river.
Route to Curug Dusun Parentas, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang
For access to this place the path is fairly narrow and somewhat challenging. The location itself is approximately 30 km from downtown Tasikmalaya. To get to this wanawisata place can be accessed from Singaparna to the direction Sariwangi go to the Village Cidugaleun. Curug location distance from Singaparna about 25 and 6 km from District Sariwangi.
While the road conditions from Sariwangi and Singaparna fairly good with a paved road. However, some for access to the curug road fairly challenging with inclines and road conditions are less smooth. Ciparay Curug location map see here. For those of you who like touring motorcycle or ngagowes by bicycle, can try visiting the exotic waterfalls in this Tasikmalaya.
If you want to the natural attractions can be from the roundabout Singaparna - to the north to Mount Galunggung to Parentas Hamlet, Cidugaleun Village, District Cigalontang. For public transportation ride yellow angdes up to Cidugaleun area (about 8.7 km from Kampung Parentas).
From the last stop rural transportation, followed by a walk or ride a motorcycle taxi. It is advisable to ride a motorcycle taxi just let me not too drain your energy. Next, visitors walk about 2 km through the path to Curug Ciparay.
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